domingo, setembro 17, 2006

Regresso às aulas.

Uma vez que a política e os dilemas éticos não podem nem devem deixar de fazer parte da vida académica, entrando muitas vezes pelas salas de aula , neste início de ano lectivo talvez valha a pena ler um texto de Michael Bérubé no New York Times de hoje e que termina assim:
"Every responsible teacher should think of the classroom as a relatively safe space, free of intimidation or coercion. But in return, every responsible student should realize that the classroom is only relatively safe, because arguing about ideas isn’t risk-free. Of course, students sometimes have qualms about taking classes with overtly partisan professors. “As conservatives,” Julie Aud, a student at the University of Indiana and press secretary for her chapter of the College Republicans, told CBS News, “we should never have to feel uncomfortable in the classroom because of our beliefs.” Perhaps so, but as students, you should expect to feel uncomfortable about your beliefs as a matter of course — that is, if your professors are doing their job properly, and keeping the floor open for every reasonable form of debate and disagreement."